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This playful and meditative yoga mat is made from a thick foam and is the softest, most easy on the knees mat I have ever practiced on. The artwork is an original watercolor illustration from the book, 'The Tao of the Polyvagal Theory: A Five Element Perspective for a Future of Healing the Spirit and Balancing the Autonomic Nervous System,' by founder and author, Nicole Rachelle Keane, MS LMT. 


This is a print on demand item with a high shipping rate that we have absorbed into the cost of the product, and as such this mat is slightly more expensive than we would like to offer, but we hope you will cherish this item for years to come, and consider it as a peice of artwork. This mat is made to inspire meditation and integration, perfect for any yoga flow. Namaste

Sri Aqua Water Element Yoga Mat



    ©2022 by elementalAdvanced manual therapy. 

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    elementalAdvanced Manual Therapy and elementalAdvanced, LLC 

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