***To purchase workshops, subscriptions, or classes, please visit those individual pages on this site to find out more information on those offerings.***
The elemental brand
was created to provide essential and easy fashion designs for all people interested in living their best life outdoors and in community. All profits from the sale of the gear sold in this store go directly toward providing options for donation based and sliding scale manual and energetic treatments to those in need, in recovery, and on their way to a better, more supported quality of living. Lift Up!
And thank you for being part of Our Team.
You can make a Tax Deductible Donation to this cause by visiting Gratitude Healing Arts Foundation. This site also has a store with limited items available which offer a 50% tax deductible donation for purchases. For more info and to make a donation, please visit www.graitudehealingartsfoundation.org
Tip: Use the FILTER function below to search specific categories of products for less scrolling. There are *fanny packs* at the end of the line! (we love fanny packs)​​