ADD ON Gene Keys Amino Acid Evaluation
ADD ON Gene Keys Amino Acid Evaluation
This service is done as an add on to the Integrative Nutritional Consultation.
Service Description
If you do not already have a Nutrition Evaluation Service booked, then please schedule the other option for this service. This price point is for the ADD ON to Nutrition services, and the stand alone requires more detail, and is priced as such. Thank you! Research, evaluation, and consultation may be done on a remote basis over the phone or skype. The fee for this service includes a copy of the Gene Keys book that may provide you with very insightful information about your path in life, and aid in a more holistic healing process; both things that I am unable to provide personally, due to scope of practice limitations for licensed massage therapists regarding verbal talk therapy. This evaluation has been very beneficial for everyone that I have consulted with, including myself, and has the potential to lead to you to a truly transformational experience in your nutrition plan, and over all wellness. Gene Keys is somewhat similar to the study of "Human Design," and is also relative to the practice of soul evolution and self growth through study of the iChing. Several Amino Acids are recommended through your individual Gene Keys profile and I will research and recommend how to utilize them as part of your plan of care. It is very important to work with an experienced healthcare professional when integrating amino acid supplementation into your health program in therapeutic doses.
Cancellation Policy
If you do not show up for your appointment with no notice, you will be charged the full fee for the appointment. Cancellations within 24 hrs of the appointment time will be charged a fee of half of the original appointment cost. Rescheduling within 24 hrs of the appointment time, to a same day appointment, will be free of charge, if availability allows. Rescheduling and Cancellation are allowed, for no fee and no penalty, up until 24 hours before the originally scheduled appointment time. Exceptions can be made for reasonable cancellation reasons, and illness. If you are sick the day of your appointment, please notify me as soon as possible by phone or text message; the fee will be waived. Myself and the other clients that use the treatment space thank you for this discretion.
Contact Details
Hood River, OR, USA